TheTaosCube began as a vision

and is acknowledged now

as the founding space

of TaosMathemArtist,

continually finding

the most interesting questions to ask,

raising new possibilities,

and pursuing new themes

in TaosCubism.

These fields are broad in their scope

and are threaded throughout

the TaosMathemArtist experience.

The key, as always, is beauty, and the
complementary principle of choice process.

Thank you for your belief in,

and continued support of

my MathemArtist TaosCube esfuerzo.


The MathemArtist TaosCube

flourishing of love and art and science in the widest and wildest possible sense

I emphasize an extended concept of art, a new muse that is also the inspiration for science and philosophy:

MathemArtist a sapient, reflective aesthetic.

Past, present and future I see sculpturally.

Human knowledge comes from art. Science has evolved from creativity.

narrative space of art,

a caravanesque labyrinthine voyage

TaosCube loves the arts and honors her soul

¿que es MathemArtist Said El Prado?

¿un arte? ¿una filosofia?

¿es Said una poesía real?

¿o no es nada de nada?


The Mathemartist Said El Prado

creates along with and learns from

the waves of nature and the

arts and culture in

Taos, New Mexico.

Said's work of art gets inspired by

the complex patterns

in art, architecture and philosophy

to be studied

in Morocco.

Said's opus is influenced by

novelties from the sciences, the arts,

nourished and nurtured by

traveling the world.

‘DNA of Tangier’

Said El Prado painting in Villa de France, Tangier, Morocco

480 cm x 120 cm

Said El Prado

painting on paper

40 cm x 80 cm

‘the hamsa’